Go away.
Come Again,
After the season....or something like that.
When we get word of a make up game I will post it. Hope the rain stays away Saturday with the Bucks doubleheader against Blue Water.
I wanted to tell the players that they are a great group of young men. They have held there heads up and played with pride throughout the season.
The 2008 Bucks are:
Adam Ashby - LF
Logan Cox - CF
Cameron Daughdrill - P/SS
Taylor Langum - P/3B
Jonathon Murray - RF
Brian Marsh - P/3B
Austin May - 2B
Justin Rackley - P/1B
David Ray - SS/2B
Joshua Stovall - C
Coach Tony
Coach Steven
Coach Larry
Coach Franco
Bucks Announcements
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Open Ledder to Mister Medlee

Mister Medlee,
I wanted to writ you this here formull open ledder about them ther comments you made about us'ns ignirant redneks. Now, i must say that i take o'fence to that and so did my othur rednek bruthers and sisters. We ain't ignirant. As fore me and my woman we opologizd fore what happ'ned in Hazel Green, cause Lord knows they ain't got no redneks ther! Them peeples in Hazel Green are at a hi'r standrd the us redneks in New Market!
As fur as you leev'n the Bucks... Well you ain't made it to mini practises any way so i dout we will even miss you'ns. At least we wont hear that squauk box that knows so much about the game of basball. Whut is the werd sum peeples use....is it condursending...I thank that is it. Wher most every body has furgot'n and moovd on and accept'd our opologi, you have keept it alive and have been very judgmental. I thank the Bible say somethin about judging uthr's. Ain't I writ Misterr Medlee.
Weell, I hope you have a good life, and no hard feelngs. Oh.... and quit tell'n all thos ther made up stories about being some star basball playr.
The Not So Ignirant Rednek,
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Bucks Can't Tame the Tigers and the Wildcats

The Bucks played hard to tame the cats, but the cats were too much. The Bucks are still looking for their first win of the season and to get out of this slump . The Boys played hard but it wasn't enough. Mr. Cameron Daughdrill scored the Bucks only point against the Mt. Carmel Wildcats. His speed proved to much for their defense. Justin Rackley pulled off a beautiful double play off a Wildcats pop fly. But the Bucks go down 11-1.
The Gurley game has been posted to Bucks TV! and is ready for your viewing. The game against Mt. Carmel....Well lets say technical difficulties (batteries) wreaked havoc and I didn't get much of the game.
I really think we can pull off the win, but we need to get all the boys to practice so they can work as a team. It makes it easier for the guys on gameday to be better prepared and play as a well oiled machine. What's the saying, "Practice makes perfect."
I consolidated these two games into one post because I have been really busy. I promise to stay on it a little better from now on.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Cool Video From Whiskey Falls and the Atlanta Braves!
I think everyone will enjoy this video whether your a Braves Fan or not... It's really cool!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thought I forgot about you?.... Nah!

Sorry for the delay in writing this new post, but I have been really busy. Another game has passed since I last wrote and I guess we need to get caught back up. Well maybe I'll let the video's speak and I won't have to write so much. To summarize, we lost both games, but we are improving every game. The guys are really working hard at practice and it comes together a little too late in the games. It seems that our hitting is all we are really lacking. But I bet we get it together before the tourney's.
OK...I have posted the Bucks vs Mt Carmel May 9th game on Bucks TV! and I expect to have the Bucks vs Meridianville May 13 game posted tonight on Bucks TV!
I hope everyone is having a good time at the games....Let's keep up the team and GO BUCKS!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I would like to start off with an explanation of the comment I made to a parent that was overheard by another parent. I hope we are all partial to our own children, as every parent is. So when I made the comment (that I will not post) to this parent I was just talking from frustration. Well it seems to have offended another parent and for that I am sorry. But I will not take it back. Josh is my son and I am partial to him. I'm not the most eloquent speaker and the way the comment came out was not the way it was meant. Again to any parent I may have offended, I apologize. I also looked around and I'm pretty sure there were no players around when that comment was made because, Coach Tony was giving the kids their talk. I have tried in my writings on this blog to show no partiality to my son but to give the whole team its dues. I love every player on this team. They are all wonderful kids. I would in no way ever say anything about any player that would hurt their feelings. I hope with the amount of effort and time I put into this blog you can see that I really believe in this team, the kids and the coaches. I'm glad Josh is part of this team. He has made some wonderful friends and so have I.
To the parents that showed up for concession stand duties on the 5th, thanks for you help. I enjoyed talking with you all. Because of you parents our kids do not have to forfeit their first tourney game. I also would like to think the BBB's for all the support they give the team. You ladies are awesome! Lori, Jill wants me to thank you again for the sweet (sugar free tho) thing you did for her...
I will have the video posted on the Bucks TV tomorrow and a posting of the game.
Oh and to all the Mother's of our players... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
To the parents that showed up for concession stand duties on the 5th, thanks for you help. I enjoyed talking with you all. Because of you parents our kids do not have to forfeit their first tourney game. I also would like to think the BBB's for all the support they give the team. You ladies are awesome! Lori, Jill wants me to thank you again for the sweet (sugar free tho) thing you did for her...
I will have the video posted on the Bucks TV tomorrow and a posting of the game.
Oh and to all the Mother's of our players... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wash Out At Blue Water

I will be passing out a bio-sheet to all the parents that I would like for you to fill out. I want to get some information on the guys for the ball cards and I want to do a little "Getting To Know The Bucks" section on the blog. I'm thinking something like a video interview of each one. With questions like what they enjoy most about playing for the Bucks, and their favorite major league player. I'm thinking about 5 min interviews each to put on Bucks TV.
OK DON'T FORGET WE HAVE BASEBALL PRACTICE TOMORROW NIGHT!!!! PLEASE BE THERE! Like I said in the earlier blog.... Practice looked great Tuesday.... It's all coming together for our first big WIN!!!
Blog Atch'u L8R,
Mother Nature Not Playing Nice
Bucks and Buck Fans....Keep your Fingers crossed and hope this line gets out of here by 2:00. I'm ready to see some baseball action as I know the rest of you are also.
Tuesday's practice looked really good. The boys were really on their game. Let's hope we see some great defense tonight.
Hey we have some Domino's Cards left. If you would like to purchase one see James Stovall. The proceeds go to the team for the banquet and trophies. It's a really good deal. So don't miss out and help the Bucks.
Here's Blogging Atch'a,
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Lost Footage of the Bucks
I found a lost film of the Bucks I thought everyone would like to see.
Just kidding... this is from the movie "The Sandlot." I just thought the boys would think it was funny. We can't always be serious on the Buck's Blog. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend renting it or buying it. I know Josh and I have watched it several times. I should be getting the May practice schedule from Coach Tony tonight. As soon as I get it I will post it on the blog. Also.....Tomorrow is concession stand duties. I also want to tell Bill Ray...he better get well and get back up to the field... We all miss you Bill!!! Dalton get that foot better...we need our lefty batter back.
Just kidding... this is from the movie "The Sandlot." I just thought the boys would think it was funny. We can't always be serious on the Buck's Blog. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend renting it or buying it. I know Josh and I have watched it several times. I should be getting the May practice schedule from Coach Tony tonight. As soon as I get it I will post it on the blog. Also.....Tomorrow is concession stand duties. I also want to tell Bill Ray...he better get well and get back up to the field... We all miss you Bill!!! Dalton get that foot better...we need our lefty batter back.
I'll Blog with you soon,
Friday, May 2, 2008
Jonathon Makes Big Hit, But Not Enough For The Bucks!
But with all the great plays, Mt. Carmel is too much for the Bucks. Again, small mistakes by the Bucks keeps them from out of contention for the win. I know as well as all the rest of you Buck fans that the Bucks are a great team. The Bucks will pull it together, play great baseball and take it to them in the Tourney.
Just a little side note.... Did you see Cameron's sister's shiner.... Softballs are not very soft.... She is one tough little girl.
I created the first DVD of the Bucks this afternoon. I will be making a DVD of the game against Hazel Green also if anyone is interested in getting a copy. I created a new link to the "New Market Bucks" video channel. This is a site where you can go and watch the games in it's entirety. I hope everyone enjoys it.
Go Bucks!!
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