Mister Medlee,
I wanted to writ you this here formull open ledder about them ther comments you made about us'ns ignirant redneks. Now, i must say that i take o'fence to that and so did my othur rednek bruthers and sisters. We ain't ignirant. As fore me and my woman we opologizd fore what happ'ned in Hazel Green, cause Lord knows they ain't got no redneks ther! Them peeples in Hazel Green are at a hi'r standrd the us redneks in New Market!
As fur as you leev'n the Bucks... Well you ain't made it to mini practises any way so i dout we will even miss you'ns. At least we wont hear that squauk box that knows so much about the game of basball. Whut is the werd sum peeples use....is it condursending...I thank that is it. Wher most every body has furgot'n and moovd on and accept'd our opologi, you have keept it alive and have been very judgmental. I thank the Bible say somethin about judging uthr's. Ain't I writ Misterr Medlee.
Weell, I hope you have a good life, and no hard feelngs. Oh.... and quit tell'n all thos ther made up stories about being some star basball playr.
The Not So Ignirant Rednek,
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