Bucks Announcements

***The Season is Over and I am Sad***

Friday, April 4, 2008

Bucks 0, Mother Nature 3

What a beginning to the season.... Old Mother Nature is laying a whoopin on the Bucks. The Bucks had to cancel their game on Opening Day much to the chagrin of many of the players and coaches. Then the scrimmage against Central last Thursday was canceled due to the rain and wet conditions on good old field Numero Uno. And now, our first game of the season has been canceled, because, well again, Mother Nature just can't stand to lose, especially to Coach Tony.

Hold your heads up Bucks...We'll get to play soon. I talked with Tony tonight and he is trying to get another scrimmage setup with Central so we can get some good practice in before our next game. Oh, and we will play a make-up game against Meridianville towards the end of the season... We'll get all 12 regular season games in.

I hope to give you some news soon about fund raising or sponsorships for New Market Recreational Center. I played at this field when I was a kid as many others have and there are things we can do to make the park better for our children and others. Some of the items we are looking at are Tarps for the fields, for days like today so we can put something on the scoreboard against Mother Nature. :) Again, that is coming soon. Hope to see everyone at our next practice!!!

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